Rodrigo Grijalba - Data Science - AI Systems - Economics

Hello! I am Rodrigo Grijalba. For the past several years I have worked in Data Scicence and Software Development. I specialize on Causal Inference, Economics, Artificial Intelligence-integrated systems, and their intersections. Outside of the Industry and Academia, my main interests lie in specialty coffee and music.


My past and present work include AI Systems like Illa, an AI ChatBot built specifically to inform and guide victims of obstetric-gynecological violence. I have also created several packages for Causal Inference analysis using R, Python, and Julia. A few examples include HDML.jl for high-dimensional metrics of causal effects, and for Synthetic Difference-in-Differences causal effect estimation. As for my research work, one notable example is Impact of the Availability of Chat-GPT on Software Development, together with Alexander Quispe, initially presented at the Münich Summer Institute 2024 event.